Hiking Tents

A Hiking Tent is a niche item. A Hiking Tent needs to be compact enough to fit inside a backpack, light enough to be carried for hours or days on end and easily assembled, and disassembled. In addition to these features, a Hiking Tent must be robust, as repairs along the trail are not always possible. For that reason, Hiking Tents can often be classed as a specialty item, with certain brands being considered the best or better than other brands. Brands such as Nemo or Marmot thrive in the world of outdoor backpacking or hiking, and their products are a clear-cut reflection of this and are often classed as Premium Products. At the upper end of the price range with Nemo and Marmot, you really do get what you pay for. With both companies offering a lifetime warranty (against manufacturing defects) they have a strong belief in the structure, design, and manufacture of their hiking tents. However, if hiking is not going to be your every-weekend adventure and you are heading out on a hik...